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Features, Reviews and Art - Battle reports, Campaigns and Scenarios - Modelling, Painting and Terrain - Background and Rules

Features Submission Guidelines

All Features submissions must comply with the general guidelines for Dark Magenta. In addition, the following apply:


Dark Magenta is actively seeking reviews of novels, films, music, internet sites, models, paint-ranges... In fact, we actively solicit reviews of anything at all! However, the key point is that your review must assess the subject from the point of view of the Inquisitor game. Remember: everything has positive and negative aspects and a good review will touch upon both. Reviews should summarize the subject according to a star system:

•            Heresy!
• •          Barely human.
• • •        Officially pure.
• • • •      Inquisition-approved.
• • • • •    Dangerously excellent!

Reviews should be between 400 and 1000 words.

Feature Articles

A Feature Article will form the backbone of each issue of Dark Magenta. Feature Articles are all-singing, all-dancing and it’s not enough simply to be able to write the article, which will also need to be supported with photos, maps, diagrams, tables or whatever you need. For example, if you were to write an article about obscure Eldar constructs that may be encountered by agents of the Ordo Xenos, then you’ll need to include pictures of models and conversions of the constructs in question, possibly including a how-to guide to construction. Or, if you were writing a massive campaign report, then pictures of the players and games in progress would be expected. If you are writing an article describing a world or city in the Imperium, then we’d want to see original maps and illustrations.

If you have an idea for a Feature Article, please don’t send it to us complete. Send us a synopsis of the concept in no more than 400 words. If you don’t have everything you think you need (such as a digital camera or the ability to draw a straight line), don’t worry! If we like your idea, we’ll put you in touch with someone who can help.

Likewise, if you don’t have an idea of your own, but you reckon you have resources that a writer could use, get in touch.


Fan Fiction

Fan fiction is currently welcomed by Dark Magenta. Submissions should be 2,500-3,000 words and based firmly in the shadowy, uncertain and morally-ambiguous realm of the Inquisitor game. Other than that, anything goes: stories, reports, interrogations. Note, however, that our standards are very high. Where time allows, unsuccessful submissions will receive limited feedback and guidance. However, if you aspire to be a professional writer, there is any number of on-line writing groups that will help you fine-tune your technique. Don’t expect us to do it for you.


Dark Magenta is looking for artwork to support its articles, columns and reviews. If you fancy yourself with the pencil or paintbrush (or even with the digital tablet) then we want to see your work! Please don’t send us individual items, though. There are a number of Internet sites that will let you keep a personal gallery. Send us a link to your gallery and if we like what we see, we’ll be in touch.


All submissions, proposals and synopses for Features should be in .txt format. Where necessary, indicate emphasis with an underscore at the start and end of the emphasis.


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